Saturday, July 17, 2010


So after a few hours and er hem , some hardwork,
I finally managed to finish my 2nd blog :D

P.S: the 1st blog is already dead, so don't visit there anymore :x
I will just leave it there as memories :p

Eventhough I made a new one
doesnt mean I will blog frequently
so dont expect too much :D

I will blog when I feel like it
so no force please = =!
so I tink i will blog one post every week :x
since I am really been busy lately.
well actually i dont even know @.@
I been giving myself works lately
wanted to occupy my mind
and doesnt wanna think of other stuff ;
stuff that wanna be forgotten :p
and dont ask me what is it ;x!

so hows my form 4 life?
well doing great sarcastically
subject going along fine.
and need to start getting serious for SPM
as a result I never played online game this year :x!
Thats something to be surprise about :D
well actually thats not the only reason I din played
+ the internet was freaaaking slow!
my download rate is 100kb/sec

and many things happen lately,
I went to PESTA, celebrate my friend birthday and alot more.
I said many but i dont really remembered what happen @.@"
and of course I wont type that all out ;x
plus , too much writing is boring D:
and I dont really like to post picture - -
so er... too bad :D!
you might as well close it or continue reading :D
but I am already finish now.
is almost 1 am now and I am quite sleepy @.@
tomorrow gonna watch INCEPTION :D!!

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